A Forum for Talking Animals

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Choose wisely...too late

I recently went to the movies (alas there was nothing avalible of the talking animal variety) to see Bewitched. While I was waiting for the movie to start, watching "THE 20," I sat in anticipation of the film that was to come. I mean, I love Samantha and Will Ferrell is a laugh riot, what could go wrong? And then the previews came on. I think I could make a killing selling, "I have choosen poorly and I would like to upgrade" passes during the previews. The problem is this: Dim lights, resalt popcorn and sit back to enjoy... a preview for a movie that looks way better than the one you are about to see. I mean, a woman answers her father's own personal ad, that is pure genious! Of course then, no matter how hard I try, I can not sike myself up for a film that includes a fiesty mother-in-law and a twitching nose. Damn it. A perfectly good matinee (because that is what unemployeed teacher posers do during their long, long, long, long, long boring free days) ruined by an amazing preview. Oh-well, I'll just have to come back on another lazy Wednesday afternoon to enjoy (and the title is even awesome) "Must Love Dogs."


At 5:46 PM, Blogger Toni said...

The stupid 20 strikes again....seriously people, it's twenty minutes of commercials, twenty minutes of your life you're never getting back..spend it doing something more productive, like watching a Friends re-run!


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