A Forum for Talking Animals

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Matter will move from high pressure to low pressure... darn it

As some of you may know, my husband Ryan and our friend Josh make vino in our garage. The whole set-up has really evolved into a complex process over the years and this year it grew even more... by about 2000 pounds to be exact.

This go round of wine-making began with 2800 pounds of fine Napa grown grapes. Unfortuantly, for Ryan, Josh and all of their willing consumers, the Fiasco Brother's Winery is down about 105 pounds as of last Thursday. Unfortunatly, for Brittaney the lost 105 pounds is all over the floor of the garage. Great.

You see, even with two science degrees and some advanced degree schooling under out belts Ryan and I were still unable to figure out that if you unscrew the cap on a cracked carboy of wine the pressure change might cause bad things to happen. To make a long story short... one loud pop and a flying piece of glass later Ryan and I were left standing in a sea of wine sludge that quickly spread across the garage floor. Yeah wine making!

I guess you can say that Ryan and Josh are living up to the winery name because it was a fiasco of epic proportions indeed.


At 12:54 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Ok...that means in a very short time Fiasco Brothers wine stock is going to skyrocket...That's it, we need to invest now!!!

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Josh said...

This picture makes me cry.

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Heather said...

And you crying, makes me want to hold you.


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