A Forum for Talking Animals

Sunday, January 08, 2006

2005 goes out with a smack

Although this post is a little late, I would like to say that this New Year's Eve may rank as #1 out of 25. Here is why:

10. Nursing Ryan back to health after a wine-filled evening o' fun (okay, so maybe that shouldn't have made the "best of" list...)
9. Seeing Ryan's nipple on film
8. Receiving a thoughtful gift from Joel-C that was neither Pez nor a magazine dedicated to carnivorous twenty-somethings.
7. Dancing the night away with the forty and over crowd in P-town (I am a little jealous that no inebriated, sweaty men caressed my butt on the dance floor... uhhh, JK)
6. Stomping through foliage at 12:30pm to find a (non-existent) geocache. (Sorry that your introduction to the hobby had such a poor outcome, Tina. Too bad the geocache was not an empty Coors can because I found a boatload of those)
5. Wondering what Phil was doing.
4. Singing our "Ode to Josh and Toni--version 2.005
3. Eating a delicious meal prepared by none other than Heather Marie Andersen Ropsheyer-Shellen
2. Hangin' with the Ropsheyer's (seriously, could it get any better)

and... as if there as any doubt what #1 would be...

1. Saying goodbye to 2005 while listening to the soothing sounds of Sir-mix-a-lot and a little "Baby got Back" (Put that in your pipe and smoke it little Miss Ellie-White-House)


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