A Forum for Talking Animals

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Blogging Frustration

I blog. I enjoy it. But I also enjoy reading other people's blogs (and also reading my own--we all have a little self-indulgent side don't we?). Sometimes I even read my husband's blog. I know, as if I don't know enough about him already, right? Anyway, Ryan and I recently had a little disagreement. It went something like this:

B: I looked at your blog today. What happened to it?
R: I deleted everything.
B: I got that. Why did you delete everything?
R: I just thought I would start fresh
B: You aren't supposed to do that.
R: Says who?
B: Says everyone. A blog is an online log of your life. It's not like you run out of space. You should just keep going so that, later, you can go back and look at past entries.
R: I don't want to do it that way. I like it my way.

Um.... excuse me? He likes it his way? Let's put aside the fact that my way is always the best way and focus on this: He deleted everything and has added nothing new! I link to his page and there is nothing but white to stare at... not to mention the fact that the cute picture of me in Hawaii is gone. Ridiculous.

Personally, I think that he did it because his boss started a blog and Ryan didn't want him reading all of the stuff on his. What, like there were some big life secrets on there? If pictures of your puppy and a review of a Russian River Chardonnay count as big life secrets then I guess so. Umm...not. News flash, big life secrets would be like telling people you drink cosmopolitans and shave your bootie to cut down on irritation while riding your bike... what? Anyway, I know all of you reading this totally agree that deleting your blog is totally ridic.. there isn't even a need to affirm my belief with comments. Just saying.


At 12:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not that others will see my blog, I just didn't like the way it looked and it had no purpose. When I come up with a reason and purpose to blog then it'll come back, if and when that time comes.

At 11:12 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Hey, it's Ryan's blog. I am pretty sure he has the final say as to what is or is not published there. I say if Ryan wants to delete his blog and shave his butt hair, then more power to him!

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Brittaney said...

I say, "no birthday present for Josh." What?

At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blanked or not, it still says he has a beautiful wife. What more can you ask for? He's telling the world you're beautiful! Really can't complain B.

Although, I did not see any mention of his beautiful step sister however, this I might question...

At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just realized i put "step" sister instead of "sister in law". Well, now we know why he didn't mention a very bright sister in law.


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