A Forum for Talking Animals

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Bucket List

See the 7 Natural Wonders of the World
I was just talking about this the other day! It is amazing to me how the processes of our Earth (ok--dorky science teacher, yeah-yeah) have made these incredible structures. I think, if the Earth could put in that much time and effort, I could hop on a plane and check them out.

Adopt a Baby From China
I just want a baby that looks Asian. And, as Madison and Ella have proved, my 11.5 chinese chromosomes just ain't gonna get the job done. No offense to my blonde little rugrats--they are the cutest kids I have ever seen. However, they may also be the whitest. What?

Own a House
Okay--so I have kind of done this one. However, I still walk into my house in amazement almost every day. Who would have thought, years ago, that I could afford to buy a house... that had four standing walls and indoor plumbing.

Give an Extravagent and Totally Unexpected Gift
I constantly run the, "what if I won 1 million dollars" scenario through my head. I just love, love, love giving gifts--the bigger the better. I think it would be so awesome to roll up to someone's house in their dream car or to send a kid to college that thought they could never afford it. I really should start playing the lotto...

Live in the same town as our families
I'm not sure that this one will ever get done. Ryan's family are mountain people--my parent's are (soon to be) full time wine country folk--Gabrielle and Ryan live in Southern California and my Rops are all over the west coast. However, if it is possible, I love the idea of buying a huge chunk of land and living together like one big ol' commune. Maybe we could grow our own food and make our own clothes too. What?


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