The Birth Place of Civil Rights
That is the tag line of Montgomery, Alabama. Awesome. Maybe they should change it to, "We are the birth place of civil rights... because we really treated black people like crap and one day they decided to fight back." For serious.
At this point you may be wondering why I was looking up information on Alabama at all. Because I am going to move there. Okay, it is not for sure, but my future-lawyer-to-be husband is going there to interview for a 2 year federal clerkship in Montgomery at the end of next month. I'm sure it will be fine... I'm sure they will offer him the job. He is just the kind of likeable guy that everyone...well... likes. For good reason, though--he is totally awesome.
Anyway, take this as your official notice. I am moving to a land where they won't know what to do with a half-breed and two identical slanty-eyed babies. What?