A Forum for Talking Animals

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Attention High School Seniors...

My sister wanted to know if I could hang out with her during her spring break. I went on the UCR website to see when this alleged spring break was to occur. While on the website I gazed upon a face under the "Students Considering UCR" link.

If this is the kind of student thinking about attending UCR I would be hesitant to step on campus without a can of pepper spray and a high voltage tazer. Seriously, if you want students to come to your school don't use a picture of someone who looks like they commonly have Sunday dinner with the Unibomber and Hannibal Lecture.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

That could have gone poorly...

Ryan and I rarely celebrate Valentine's day on the 14th. This is because Ryan typically has class at night until 9:30pm. This year was no exception. As usual we celebrated the day after and I made all red food--our system has always been "red food and red wine, no gifts is fine." However, we do purchase cards for one another.

This year Ryan sent me a singing Valentine from the UCR Chamber Singers over the phone--very nice indeed. I on the other hand have always tried to find the most amusing (and occasionally inappropriate) card they offer at Target. This year I bought the card but could not locate it on Valentine's day. Ryan forgave me but I was still puzzled... where did this card go? Did it sprout cupid wings and fly away? What had become of it? Was it lying in the gutter discarded and alone? Should I send out a search party? Do Valentine's day cards have feelings? If so, does my Valentine's day card feel rejected and abandoned?

The thoughts of my poor valentine blown into the sewer system, sandwiched between an abandoned Mountain Dew and a stale moon pie haunted me for days. Then it hit me--at 12:30am Tuesday morning. The card must be in the Target bag with the baby bottles I purchased for our daycare provider. I woke Ryan up and made him promise to look in the bag before he dropped of the goods with Tracy. Thank goodness he did--the card was indeed safe inside the bag. I'm glad that it came to me at the last minute or the first day that our babies were in daycare could have been a little bit tense, "Um, yeah, the babies did great. They slept for two hours and had a couple of wet diapers each. Also... I hope those rug burns your wife gave you on V-day healed up well. You can hardly see the ones on your face anymore." Wonderful.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Baby Groupies

Ella and Madison would like the world to know that the Shayna and the Bulldog show they attended over the weekend was the best live show they have ever been to. Okay, it is the only live show they have ever been too but that doesn't make it any less fabulous. Joel-C, we all enjoyed the show and look forward to our next foray into the world of music with you.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Breakfast in Bed

Sometimes, after a long day and night of sleeping, pooping, eating and pooping some more, you just need to relax with a bottle in bed. Just saying.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Our Amazing Night in Bed

Okay, get your head out of the gutter--this post is nothing but wholesome.

The babies have been doing fairly well on sleeping at night. Usually they go roughly one Dr. Doolittle and an episode of Emergency Vets (a.k.a. about three hours or so) in between feedings. On bad nights they only last about two Sponge Bob cartoons. However, last night... oh holy of all nights... they went one "Cats and Dogs", two "Good Boy!" showings and a "Charlotte's Web". That's right people, seven and one half hours of blissful, recuperative sleep!

When I got up to feed Madison I was shocked to see the alarm clock showing six o'clock. I woke up Ryan to tell him. He was so excited he got up... to check the woot-off. Apparently the slumber progress of our twin infants is only slightly more interesting then an 8 GB flash drive for $49.99.