A Forum for Talking Animals

Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Babies who pinch go to boarding school"

This is Ryan's way of dissuading Madison from pursuing her new found love of pinching our faces. Good times.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ladies who Lunch

Ella and Madison enjoying some casual dining at Cafe Grandma.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A surprising day

Why was it such a surprise? Was it because the power went out due to high winds at school today and we were let out early? No--this was not the reason. The reason today was so surprising can be attributed to a minivan. The minivan in front of me in the Starbuck's drive thru to be exact. The minivan had a little "Land Rover" sticker on its back window. At least that's what I thought it was until I got closer. Instead of "Land Rover" it said, "Bend over." Classy.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

You Need One

I don't watch a lot of commercials. This is primarily due to the glory of DVR. However, I was watching live TV the other day--and boy was I glad I was. On came a commercial for the Logitech Harmony Remote. It sounded good--a universal remote that actually works for all of your electronics and has logical buttons that are arranged by activity verses piece of equipment. Let me explain. If you want to watch TV hit the, "watch TV," button. The remote will turn on the TV, set it to the correct input, turn on the receiver, set it to the right input and turn on the DVR. I know--awesome. I have to admit though--I was skeptical--would it really do the job? So I did what any good consumer would do... I went to Best Buy and I bought one. Ryan and I set it up last night. My life will never be the same. You need one. And that is that.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I Heart Costco

Not only can you buy a 10-pound block of Chedder but you can see stars. I mean--super stars. Today at Costco I saw Dave Walker and Lois Hart--news anchors for KCRA, channel 3. Who knew that my Sunday would be this blessed.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Happy 8th Birthday/Nice Stripper

What? Oh--that's right. I went to a joint birthday party for my two cousins and my Grandma Kate today. The stripper was not for my cousins (we aren't THAT screwed up) but rather for my 75 year old grandmother. She loved it. Thank you to my Uncle John for coming up with the brilliant plan. If it weren't for you, John, I may never have experienced a toned, over-tanned, 20-something pelvic thrusting my grandma while she rubbed his back. That's right--she rubbed his back. P.S.--she grabbed his butt too. I tell no lies. I hope your Saturday was a rockin' as mine.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Thanks to Everyone

My grandfather, Pop-Pop, passed away a couple of weeks ago. His services were held yesterday in the bay area. I knew that his celebration of life service would be nice, but I had no idea how well attend it would be. Pop-Pop's family was there, of course, but so were his neighbors --some from two neighborhoods and 20+ years back--past colleagues and my friends. I didn't realize how much it would mean to me to see all of those faces. I loved my Pop-Pop very, very much--I still do--and I will think about him every day of my life, but to think that he made that much of an impact on so many others as well--I guess it just speaks to how great of a guy he was. To those of you that came, thanks again, and to those of you who wanted to be there and couldn't, thank you for your kind thoughts. I know that, where ever he is, Pop-Pop is kicking down a glass to apple juice, tending to his plants and smiling down on all of us.