A Forum for Talking Animals

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Proof Reading...

Today I received another "Your Pregnancy This Week" email from the babyzone. I do enjoy them as they show pictures of what your little fetus or, in my case, feti look like during the current week. They also give you a little update on what is going on developmentally. Although this section may provide their readers with some valuable information, it is not always done in the most eloquent way:

What's Going on with Your Baby?
Your bun in the oven is "half-baked!" All the pieces are there and, if it's a girl, she's growing her vagina this week!

Apparently, if Arnold and Danny are of the female persuasion they are currently semi-stoned and growing some rocking reproductive organs. Sweet.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Spa Babies...

The other day I went to get a prenatal massage at Mellow Me Out Day Spa in Sacramento. It was wonderful, but I digress. In the middle of my massage I felt this weird sensation. Was it gas? Did my raisin bran not agree with me? But no, it was... baby feet! I'm not sure if it was Arnold or Danny but someone was really enjoying the relaxation. Either that or they were saying, "Um... this is cool and all but, to be completely honest, these weird pillows with a hole in the middle are a little strange and we would like to get out of here." Anyway, I was so excited that I wanted to share my new discovery. Unfortunately, I was naked, face down on a table and was currently being rubbed with oil by a stranger. Therefore, I had to hold it in until I was safely back at home and could call Ryan. Although you cannot feel them on the OUTSIDE of my ever increasing belly quite yet, that day will surely come and, no matter how grossed out you are, I will probably make you all feel it. What am I saying "probably" for, I will DEFINITELY make you feel it. I mean, lets be honest. Last night I talked about breast feeding at dinner and then made Gabrielle's boyfriend, Ryan, feel my rock hard stomach... forget ab machines--just get pregnant! It is way less work and you can eat as much ice cream as you want... or at least that's what I keep telling Ryan.

P.S. I would like to take a moment to apologize to my Heather. I usually tell her everything BEFORE I blog about it, however, we are both out of town at the moment and I totally forgot to mention it earlier on the phone. I'm a bad person...but I am coming to terms with it.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

BBQing in the Summer

It is a common pastime for many a family. Fire up the BBQ and grill something delish for dinner. Ryan decided to BBQ the other day... unfortunatly it occurred IN our house and happened while we weren't home. No need to worry, nothing caught fire and all that was permenently damaged was a 1.5 quart pot that now resides at the bottom of the garbage can. He started out with good intentions. Ryan took all of the scraps from the steak he cut up for the actual BBQ and was boiling it down to make soup stock for another night. Unfortunaly, he forgot that it was on the stove when he left for Cooper's puppy class and I was not home to remind him. The end result... a VERY smoky house (I couldn't see the ceiling when I walked in) and one very scared black dog. Poor Ayla was inside the whole hour and a half we were gone. Ryan left her in so that she could stay cool so she was present for the entire catastrophe. Poor Ayla, who, for those of you that now her, is a scidish dog anyway, had to endure blaring fire alarms and A LOT of smoke. In fact, as Ryan approached the house he realized what he had done (you could smell it from the street) so he parked, ran, unlocked the door and ran towards the kitchen. On his run in all he saw was a black streak run the other way and out the door. She hung out on the front lawn until the smoke detecors had settled down. Our house smelled like the turkey leg stand at the state fair for about a five days but it has really cleared up (partially due to the Costco sized bag of baking soda that has been spread everywhere and vacuumed up--I love you Dyson). Ryan will not be delving into anymore new culinary experiences in the near future. :)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Um... there are two in there

Ryan and I went for our 16-week appointment yesterday and I am happy to report that both babies look fantastic. This was our first appointment with the doctor, we had seen our NP and a radiologist previously. She started out by telling us all about the 20-week radiology appointment where they can tell you the sex of your baby and then about how she was going to listen to the baby's heartbeat with a moniter. The BABY. Singular. I'm thinking... unless one fell out along the way I am pretty sure there are two in there still. Ryan was thinking the same thing because he (very politely) asked, "How can you tell the difference between the two heartbeats on the monitor?" (it looks like a little kids radio with a microphone on it). I'm sure she gets lame questions like that all the time but she very politely responded with, "Well, the baby's heartbeat is much faster than hers (indicating me)." At this point Ryan had to say that he meant the two BABY'S heartbeats. I think we caught her a little off guard. I felt bad actually but it all worked out okay. Turns out they have a new computer system that doesn't print multiple births on the front of the chart anymore. We were able to see the babies on ultrasound. Turns out you can't tell the difference with sound, you have to visually inspect each heartbeat. Anyway, they look good and are moving around like crazy... life should be fun once I can FEEL them poking me day and night. :) The higher up baby was getting a little frisky and kept kicking their sibling in the head. The doctor said that it won't hurt them and that they probably don't even feel it. Good thing too or that kicking baby would have hell to pay when they finally get out of there and "payback" can begin. :)