The other day I went to get a prenatal massage at Mellow Me Out Day Spa in Sacramento. It was wonderful, but I digress. In the middle of my massage I felt this weird sensation. Was it gas? Did my raisin bran not agree with me? But no, it was... baby feet! I'm not sure if it was Arnold or Danny but someone was really enjoying the relaxation. Either that or they were saying, "Um... this is cool and all but, to be completely honest, these weird pillows with a hole in the middle are a little strange and we would like to get out of here." Anyway, I was so excited that I wanted to share my new discovery. Unfortunately, I was naked, face down on a table and was currently being rubbed with oil by a stranger. Therefore, I had to hold it in until I was safely back at home and could call Ryan. Although you cannot feel them on the OUTSIDE of my ever increasing belly quite yet, that day will surely come and, no matter how grossed out you are, I will probably make you all feel it. What am I saying "probably" for, I will DEFINITELY make you feel it. I mean, lets be honest. Last night I talked about breast feeding at dinner and then made Gabrielle's boyfriend, Ryan, feel my rock hard stomach... forget ab machines--just get pregnant! It is way less work and you can eat as much ice cream as you want... or at least that's what I keep telling Ryan.
P.S. I would like to take a moment to apologize to my Heather. I usually tell her everything BEFORE I blog about it, however, we are both out of town at the moment and I totally forgot to mention it earlier on the phone. I'm a bad person...but I am coming to terms with it.