A Forum for Talking Animals

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Happiest Babies on Earth

This past weekend Ryan, the babies and I were fortunate enough to go to Disneyland with Grandma, Opa, Grammy, Lola and Ryan. I wasn't sure the girls would be into Disneyland at the wee age of 1.5--boy was I wrong. They loved it! As evidenced by this picture of a fake, hollow tree--with they spent 20 minutes running into and out of...and into an out of... and into and out of...you get the picture. It was a great trip, which I wish could have been longer. Too bad we aren't all leading a life of leisure like Mr. Ryan Meyer--we could have stayed for a week. :)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I would like to NOT thank the Academy

I'm not sure who it is that:

a. Decides what movies will be nominated for an Academy Award
b. Watches the movies that were nominated for an Academy Award
c. Chooses the winners of the actual Academy Award

...but someone, some where, is seriously dropping the ball. Case and point: Ryan and I came home from Chicago the other night and my mother in law, Joy, Ryan's brother, Scott and Scott's friend Judah were watching "No Country For Old Men". Great, it just started, it got a lot of awards--I'll watch it. Wrong decision. I realize that I missed the first 15 minutes but all that I picked up from the remaining six hours of torture that followed was: everyone dies, crazy man continues to walk the streets, Tommy Lee Jones doubts himself. Seriously--it was the worst movie I have seen in a really, really long time--and I sat through "Dr. T and His Women" (yeah, it was THAT bad).

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Why my husband is awesome

This past week Ryan and I spent a few days in Chicago. We went because Ryan's Moot Court team made it to the ABA Moot Court Finals after qualifying in the Boston Regional last month. I was fortunate enough to tag along and watch their first round of arguments. Let me say---amazing.

In addition to Ryan the two McGeorge teams were made up of five other individuals--all of whom are fun people with some amazing skills.

Ryan's team ended up ranked 17th--not bad out of 179 teams competing from across the nation. We were able to see the final round yesterday--Harvard ended up winning the competition. They did an amazing job as well. Ryan's coach's son was on the Harvard team--way to go Phil.

All and all it was a weekend full of good food, good company and great arguments. The only downside is that it was the last moot court competition for all those involved. Graduation is always a great time--but it has a bittersweet tinge to it as you move on from law school and the good times involved. However, if you can't do any more competitions you might as well go out on a high note--which they all did. Congratulations to both McGeorge teams and my awesome husband!