A Forum for Talking Animals

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Why my students are awesome...

Yesterday at school I was walking around class helping students with their work. One of my students stopped me and I thought that he needed a little help. It turns out he just wanted to pay me an awesome compliment...

Student: "Hey, Mrs. M! (in a lowered voice) I just wanted to tell you that you look really nice. I mean, I know a lot of pregnant women think they look bad but I just wanted to let you know that you look really pretty."

My students are the awesomeest. Just saying.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Grandma is a frequent flyer...

Today I took off work a little early to make it to my ultrasound appointment. As fate would have it, I pulled up behind a little green Acura on Howe Avenue. Seeing as the line of cars was stretching into eternity, I took the opportunity to take a look around and enjoy my time with my fellow drivers. Upon inspection of the green Acura in front of me I noticed a metal decal stuck to the trunk. It read, "MILE HIGH CLUB-Denver." I laughed and glanced up at the driver, fully expecting to find a twenty-something male wearing a tee shirt adorned with some semblance of Greek letters--I was brutally rebuffed. In the drivers seat there was none other than a grandma in her mid to late sixties, sporting a "set it for a week and forget it" hair style and some rockin' progressive tint shades that were roughly the size of two ripe grapefruits. Ahh, how others can surprise us. I give props to Granny though... way to keep warm on your way to chilly Colorado in the dead of winter!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Weekend Warriors

Ryan and I decided to take the "labor" part of labor day weekend to heart by rolling up our sleeves and going HGTV on Arnold and Danny's future room. As you can see, the results were not half bad. Although A&D will probably never remember what their first room looked like Ryan and I, and Scott (thanks for the help), will forever remember the fun times that cutting chair rail can be.

Disclaimer: Although my shirts SAYS that I enjoy drinking alcohol on a regular basis I actually do nothing of the sort... in fact I didn't even drink alcohol before I had a pair of feti in me. Also, for all of those concerned, I did sport a super cool respirator while painting so as not to intoxicate Arnold and Danny with paint fumes.